10th Anniversary – 10-Day Sale

We are celebrating for 10 days during the 10th month for our 10-year anniversary!! You are invited to join us and enjoy discounts on nearly everything in the store.  Firearms, […]

Senior Discount Day

Tactical Advantage 521 10th Avenue South, Waite Park, MN, United States

Senior Discount Day every Tuesday 10am-5pm! Seniors 55 and over receive 1/2 off range time and 1/2 off gun rentals.

Fall League Week 4/8, 1pm & 6pm

Tactical Advantage 521 10th Avenue South, Waite Park, MN, United States

8 week league, Wednesdays 9/11/2024 through 10/30/2024 at 1pm and 6pm 4-5 courses of fire weekly, Weekly round count approximately 55-75 rounds We will run the same courses of fire […]


Tactical Advantage 521 10th Avenue South, Waite Park, MN, United States

  Tactical Advantage will be closing early at 3:00pm today. We will be back at 10:00am on Monday 10/7/2024.


Tactical Advantage 521 10th Avenue South, Waite Park, MN, United States


Senior Discount Day

Tactical Advantage 521 10th Avenue South, Waite Park, MN, United States

Senior Discount Day every Tuesday 10am-5pm! Seniors 55 and over receive 1/2 off range time and 1/2 off gun rentals.

KNSI on-site

KNSI will be on location 4pm - 6pm with our Tactical Tuesday partner, Bob Hughes from the morning.  They will be broadcasting live as well as grilling up dinner for […]

Fall League Week 5/8, 1pm & 6pm

Tactical Advantage 521 10th Avenue South, Waite Park, MN, United States

8 week league, Wednesdays 9/11/2024 through 10/30/2024 at 1pm and 6pm 4-5 courses of fire weekly, Weekly round count approximately 55-75 rounds We will run the same courses of fire […]


Tactical Advantage 521 10th Avenue South, Waite Park, MN, United States

  Tactical Advantage will be closing early at 1:00pm today. We will be back at 10:00am tomorrow, Saturday, 10/12/2024.


Tactical Advantage 521 10th Avenue South, Waite Park, MN, United States