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MN Permit to Carry Class (range closed 1:30-2:30pm)

July 20, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

This is at least a 4-hour course involving classroom and range time. Students will be taught basic defensive handgun skills/tactics, mindset and attitude necessary in order to defend themselves or the life of another from a violent confrontation. Our class also reviews safe gun handling skills and provides education regarding the use of force, including deadly force as it pertains to self-defense in Minnesota, as well as other aspects of firearms and the law. Our class is content based and is not meant for those with little to no firearm experience.  (beginners should start with our Introduction to Handgun class)  Tactical Advantage has developed this curriculum and has been approved as meeting the requirements of the Minnesota Personal Protection Act of 2005 (Permit to Carry a Pistol in Minnesota).

Course Fee:

$105.05 which includes lecture materials and range time.  Pre-registration and pre-payment is required to secure your spot in class.

Equipment Needed:

Good quality centerfire handgun (no rimfire) and at least 50 rounds of ammunition, eye protection, ear protection. Students who need to rent a handgun can do so for $15.00 plus the purchase of ammunition (50 rounds) to complete the practical test.  RDS (Trijicon RMR, Sig Sauer Romeo etc.) are allowed.

  • Experience Needed
  • As a student enrolling in the Permit to Carry class at Tactical Advantage, I affirm that I can perform the following functions for the live fire qualification required by Minnesota State Statute 624.714 at the conclusion of this course:

    • I have a reliable functioning firearm for qualification
    • I am familiar with my firearm, its function and how to operate it
    • I can render my firearm safe (i.e. remove magazine/lock slide back)
    • I can load and unload my firearm without assistance
    • I can load and unload my magazine/cylinder without assistance
    • I can shoot five rounds at 10’ in 10 seconds, two handed
    • I can shoot five rounds at 10’ in 10 seconds, strong hand
    • I can shoot five rounds at 10’ in 10 seconds, support hand
    • I can shoot five rounds at 21’ in 15 seconds, two handed
    • I can shoot five rounds at 21’ in 15 seconds, two handed


July 20, 2024
10:00 am - 2:00 pm


Tactical Advantage
521 10th Avenue South
Waite Park, MN 56387 United States
+ Google Map


July 20, 2024
10:00 am - 2:00 pm


Tactical Advantage
521 10th Avenue South
Waite Park, MN 56387 United States
+ Google Map